Each fiscal year (July 1 – June 30), our Board of Directors ratifies an issue agenda to guide our organizing and advocacy efforts. Experienced Youth As Resources (YAR) Board members, are paid for their work outside of their volunteer Board responsibilities, to lead initiatives that drive institutional and community change.

Our current issue agenda includes:

School Climate

We believe that schools can only be improved with consistent youth voice and organizing.


  • Facilitate weekly climate clubs at 4-5 schools each year, training participants to identify and address challenges to a healthy school climate.

  • Train students to present their recommendations to school administrators, climate teams and school district leaders.

School Police Accountability

We assert that school police often contribute to the school-to-prison pipeline and advocate for mental health and trauma-informed approaches instead.


  • Convene a monthly School Police Accountability Roundtable (SPAR).

  • Monitor and respond to annual school police report card results.

  • Enforce youth-led training for school police officers and monitor diversion strategies.

  • Institutionalize student-created safety strategies to reduce the need for school police.

Youth Homelessness

We believe every young person deserves stable, safe, and comfortable housing.


  • Advocate for housing for high school-aged youth.

  • Conduct focus groups and share data on effective national models.

  • Train youth and adults on supporting those experiencing housing instability using our curriculum.

To see resources for youth experiencing homelessness, click below.

Mental Health and Disability Awareness

We believe in supporting youth through hardships and involving them in wellness decision-making.


  • Train our Board on social-emotional learning, disability awareness, and trauma-informed care to enable peer training.

  • Support legislation to increase mental health resources.

  • Provide mental health training in schools and the community using our curriculum.

  • Host climate clubs focused on mental health and disability awareness to advocate for more resources.

  • Apply universal design and mental health awareness in all our activities.