
Register For Grant Seeker Workshops Below


Spring Cycle Starting!

~ Register For Grant Seeker Workshops Below ~ Spring Cycle Starting!

YAR has two grant cycles per year—one in the Spring and one in the Fall. All grant seekers are required to attend a workshop.

Grant Making Guidelines

YAR funds projects that:

  • Address a critical community problem.

  • Are authentically led by youth (under 24 years old).

  • Can be started and carried out by the same group of young people.

  • Are long-term and make a lasting change (YAR does not fund one-day or short-term events).

  • Have a realistic budget and solid plan.

For more information, click on the link below for a complete set of our guidelines:

To register for Grant Seeker Workshops, scan the QR Code or click the link below:

Examples of Funded Projects

A Black Soliloquy

Young Black women are planning and hosting monthly events focusing on healing, community building, and destigmatizing mental health. These events, geared towards teenagers and young adults, include discussions, healing activities, access to resources, and a light lunch.

Hustlas Meet-up

Youth leaders are organizing weekly meetups for a cohort of 15 peers to build their network, set entrepreneurial and other goals, share resources, and hold each other accountable for achieving their goals.

LatinX Health Talk

Addressing the stigma of sexuality and mental health in the LatinX community, high school students are organizing peer-to-peer sex education and wellness groups, creating safe spaces for youth to share and receive information.